Noti Pesen Iz Filjma Zvuki Muziki
Kupujte - Mikseri sa efektima (44 proizvoda): Yamaha MGP16X, Yamaha MGP12X, Yamaha MG82CX, Behringer XENYX X1622USB, Behringer XENYX X1222USB, Behringer XENYX 1202FX, Behringer XENYX 1002FX, Yamaha MG12XUK, Vonyx VMM F401, Vonyx VMMK402, QSC TouchMix 30.
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We contribute to public finances and thus support public infrastructure through the payment of taxes and other levies. The value added statement shows the direct financial value our business activities create for our stakeholders. We define value added as the company’s total operating performance in the previous fiscal year less the costs of procured and consumed goods and services, depreciation, amortization, impairment losses and impairment loss reversals.